Aalia Oursbourn
Aalia is an American British actor. She is a Los Angeles-based designer who is taking her talent to a new level. Her career started as a model in her early teens after the agency spotted her at age 13. Aalia completed her engineering studies in London then moved to America to study the art of filmmaking. She has beautiful graduation certificates and an enviable lifestyle which is simply stunning. Because she grew up in the United States and UK, it was natural for her to be able express her thoughts on their cultures. She is an online photographer and blogger who keeps us informed about the adventure and style of fashion and Hi-tech in different countries. She also enjoys informing individuals on health and fitness through her photograph blogging. Aalia has worked for several international companies and after becoming a fashion model she's worked on a campaign in conjunction with National magazines. Aalia has been interviewed by a variety of International magazines.

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